Sunday 25 March 2012

sparkling strawberries


  1. A parte lo smalto che è bellissimo, super primaverile!!!! Poi che bell'idea; buone le sparkling fragoline

  2. smalto preso in prestito da una mia compagna di corso!!!è di kiko e quando gliel'ho visto addosso le ho detto di prestarmi la boccetta...mi sa che me lo comprerò anche io!!!è un colore proprio allegro!!!

    le fragole al prosecco sono una delizia!settimana prossima me le rifaccio!!!come ubriacarsi con la frutta!!

  3. Hi how are you?

    I was looking through your blog, and I found it interesting, and inspiring to me, so I thought why not post a comment.

    I have blogs also obviously, and would like to invite you to become my blog friend.

    I mostly post about the California experience through the perspective of personal writings, and my art.

    Maybe you can become my friend, and follow, and I can also follow you, if that is okay.

    Well I hope to hear from you soon… :)

    Jesse Noe Mendez

  4. Hi!

    I'm now a member of your blog!!!I've seen you like photography like me!so let's stay in touch on our blogs!

  5. November,

    I love your photography, and your blog is exactly what I like to see and read.

    Yes indeed lets stay in touch here

